I see the Marvellous Jess has already put up my Carol Concert date for the Macmillan Cancer Support Charity at Christ Church Oxford on the 7th Dec, so there's no point my mentioning it again! Ooops. Actually there are a couple of reasons for doing this. The main reason is, of course, Macmillan themselves. Extraordinary folk who help others during what is often the most dis-orienting time of one's approaching mortality. Whether this is one's own mortality, or someone close to you, there is always room for help and support, and this charity focuses so brilliantly on that. I recently helped The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity produce a film celebrating their upcoming tenth anniversary. I hope it will be successful in its search for new funds. I believe HRH Prince William is also making an appeal in the film. As you probably know my mother spent her last month in the Royal Marsden in South Kensington and they will have my unfaltering support. It's not easy to spot a theme with most of my charities. The fight against cancer and the support for those who have it I think are causes I feel honoured to be part of. The Debbie Fund has been another focus and it's progress has been remarkable too.

Another charity I am about to return to for an evening of Christmas celebration is the Salvation Army. I was really proud to join them at The Royal Albert Hall three years ago, in an evening hosted by Olympic Gold Medallist and Ice Skating Star Robin Cousins. My mum came along that night, so that was important to me. This year, I feel very privileged to have been asked to host this year's concert. Wow, hosting at The Royal Albert Hall. And from memory, they throw a great evening! It will mean I can't have too much to drink at the Sir Peter O'Sullivan Lunch, where I am sitting at the Thoroughbred Rehabilitation Centre table. Blimey, when I am not working life is SO BUSY.

Actually I have just shot a wee short film this weekend. Well, when I say "wee", in fact it is quite high powered. The actors I was lucky enough to work with were Andy De La Tour as my doctor & none other than Tamsin Greig. Damn, she's good! It's going to be a very well made film called Don't Miss The Cup about a fertility clinic. Stuart Renfrew has been a 1st AD for many years, top of his profession in the UK, working on most of Stephen Frears' films, including The Queen. This is hopefully going to be his calling card as a director in his own right. We had Sam Renton behind the camera. Both Stuart and Sam have also worked with my brother, not their fault! And I have been in front of his camera before too, in Stardust. So, as I say, TOP team for a short film.

I also have a bit of news about the New Year, & a job that'll take me through until June. I am not sure if I am meant to say yet, but in the circle of UK film & theatre I could wish to work with a better team. Stranger things have happened, but I am very excited about this role. Sorry to tantalise you, but hey....

Yummy cookies!
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